Maximum income and savings
Each Sunuser solar thermal system is tailor-made and manufactured using the highest quality materials to deliver maximum income and savings.
- The sun is a source of continuous radiation falling upon the earth’s surface. Most of us have experienced the sun’s radiation through a window and this is known as the ‘greenhouse effect’.
- The sun’s infrared rays are the main source of energy utilised by solar thermal systems to heat water. Solar energy is free, not ruled by inflation and is available even when there is no direct sunlight. This huge source of solar energy is harnessed by the Sunuser system.
- The infrared rays are short waves and these pass through the glass into the collector, strike the absorber surface and are absorbed. Any re-radiated energy is longer waves which are reflected by the glass and trapped in the collector – thus creating the ‘greenhouse effect’.
- Between the glazing and insulation of each collector is a selectively coated copper absorber which is designed to provide maximum absorption of solar energy.
- The heat generated inside the collector is circulated by a special antifreeze-inhibitor solution around the absorber, extracting the collected heat and transferring it to a new purpose-designed copper solar hot water storage vessel.