We thought it was time to sing the praises of our solar PV system!
In May 2010 we installed a 3.78kWp PV electricity generating system at our Head Office. Eighteen modules were mounted on Renusol ConSoles on our flat roof together with an inverter and all the necessary wiring and meters.
Over four years later, as of today, we’ve generated 16,292.60kWh of electricity. The system has outperformed our expectations and we’ve received index linked payments from our energy supplier every quarter. We’ve also saved nearly 9 tonnes of CO2. That’s definitely doing our bit to help the environment!
Of course, our electricity bills have reduced too. We take full advantage by using the electricity we generate during the day to power our computer systems, printers, photocopiers and lighting, not to mention the extensive daily usage of the kettle!
We’ve now installed many hundreds of Sunuser solar PV systems throughout the UK so our customers are benefitting too. Here’s what some of them had to say:
“Brilliant – no price hikes for my electricity – mine has gone down and decreased my direct debits. Brilliant job. Thank you.”
Mrs Woods, Suffolk.
“We chose Sunuser for our PV installation since they installed our solar hot water panels 30 years ago – they still work well. The layout of the inverter and the meter in the hallway are very neat and handy. The panels on the roof look good. My wife and I are very pleased with Sunuser and their work.”
Dr & Mrs Kennedy, Perthshire.
“At the turn of the year we had some extremely high winds the like of which we haven’t experienced for quite a few years. It did concern us as to how the Sunuser panels would stand up to this. We needn’t have worried however since there was no movement of the panels, indeed they may have helped protect the roof tiles from the worst of the elements.”
Mr Miller, Selkirkshire.
If you haven’t already got a Sunuser PV system, please read the PV section of our website or call us on FREEPHONE 0800 980 8939.